Elderberry Syrup, How to Make this Immune Supporting Goodness!

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Wow! With everything going on right now in the world, people are franticly looking for ways to keep themselves & their families healthy.

I’m not an expert on this “virus” stuff… But I do know that elderberry syrup or tincture works wonders on the regular flu or colds. So we take a daily maintenance dose and up that to 2-3 times a day if we feel a little off.

I won’t to go into the details of each ingredients’ beneficial properties, I’ll let you do that research. I just want to get this recipe out so you can make some. We usually have a supply in our farm store, but in case it’s running low you can make as much as you want!!

With this recipe, I had to stretch my elderberries by adding some wolfberries. Which are also high in antioxidants and immune boosting. But you can totally make this with straight elderberries (that’s what I normally do).

Elderberry & Wolfberry Syrup

  • 1/2 c Dried organic elderberries (or 1 c. if not adding wolfberries)

  • 1/2 c Dried organic wolfberries (aka. Goji berries)

  • 3 c water

  • 1 lemon sliced

  • 4-6 cinnamon sticks (I use Ceylon)

  • 3-5 whole cloves

  • 1 whole nutmeg cut in half (optional)

  • 2 inches of fresh Ginger sliced

  • 3/4 c raw local honey

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Place all ingredients in a sauce pan EXCEPT honey.

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Bring to boil, then lower to simmer. Squishing the juices out of the berries during cooking.

Simmer for around 30 min. or until the syrup is reduce by about half.

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Strain the syrup through a fine strainer. Once the syrup is lukewarm, stir in the honey.

Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator for several months.

Adults and children over 12:

  • Take 1/2 - 1 TBS daily as prevention. If sick, take 2-4 times daily.

Children 12 and under:

  • Take 1/2 - 1 tsp daily as prevention. If sick, take 2-4 times daily.

***Raw honey is not for children under 1yr. You can make the syrup with maple syrup instead of honey!***

For elderberry tincture:

  1. Fill a quart jar half full with dried elderberries.

  2. Fill with 80 proof vodka 1 inch from the top.

  3. Shake the jar periodically.

  4. Let steep for a minimum of 8 weeks.

Prevention dose:

*Adults & children over 12 yrs: 1/2 to 1 tsp daily

*Children 6-12 yrs: 1/2 tsp daily

*Children 2-5 yrs: 1/8-1/4 tsp daily

***It’s up to you if you would want to give to children under 2. I just need to put on the label “not recommended”. With the miniscule amount of alcohol in 1/8 tsp, I doubt there’s a problem. But I’m no Dr. and I don’t play one on TV..

At the onset of cold or flu symptoms, take 2-3 times daily.

Stay healthy friends!!

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Anna Hoffman1 Comment