No-sugar Raw Milk Whipped Cream

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There are so many different recipes to use with your raw milk. 

You'll make your grandma proud when you "churn" your own butter! 


Yes! You can do that, and you don't even need a churn.

But the simplest recipe to start with would be whipped cream.

And since Thanksgiving is just around the corner, it's perfect timing to top your pumpkin pie!

Raw milk, unpasteurized, non-homogenized milk will separate after a few hours or a day in the fridge.  The cream rises to the top & you have to scoop off that thick layer of delicious cream.

Sorry goat milk lovers, goat’s cream does not separate like cow’s cream. 

Most of the recipes I use work perfectly with either type of milk.  But, unless you have a cream separator you'll have to use fresh cow’s milk for a few of the cream recipes. 

Believe me, I've tried just whipping the goat milk to see if I could get butter or at least something, but almost burnt out my mixer trying! 

I'm here to make mistakes so you don't have to :) 

If you’re curious about the differences between cow & goat milk, check out this blog, and pick a side.

The time of the year, the breed of the cow, and the cow's diet, all determine how much cream will rise to the top.

Before you jump in and "Just Beat It!" follow these few steps. 

  • Scoop the cream from your raw milk (or use a turkey baster), you'll need about 2 cups

  • Refrigerate the cream until ready to whip

  • Freeze your mixing bowl & beaters at least 30 min before

  • Make sure you use a big enough bowl, the whipped cream will expand & get fluffy

Also, make sure everything is COLD or you'll end up with butter. 

Not that that’s a bad thing, but this is for whipped cream for your dessert addictions.

Now you're ready to make whipped cream!

  • Pour the cold cream into the frozen bowl

  • For each cup of cream add 2-4 TBS Raw Local Honey (I used sugar in the pictures)


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Now start whipping. Don't forget to sing that song... "Whip it! And whip it good!"

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Now that I have those songs stuck in your head...

Next step: When your kids are looking at you funny for singing & dancing while whipping cream, it's time to check for a change.

Is the cream getting thicker?

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Keep going until stiff peaks form. Don’t beat for too long or you’ll go past the whipped stage and make butter.

Don't worry if it's not what you're used to from the store. I mean this is the REAL stuff here.  Who knows what's in that fake whipped topping?

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Whipped Cream with Honey:

  • 1 Pint Hoffman’s Little Acres Raw Cream from the top of your raw milk

  • 2-4 TBS Hoffman’s Little Acres Raw Honey (when in stock) or other local honey


  1. Freeze your bowl and beater(s)

  2. Pour COLD raw cream into frozen bowl

  3. Add Honey

  4. Beat on low-med speed to prevent splatters

  5. Increase speed as the cream gets thicker

  6. Whip until stiff peaks form

Voila! You've just made whipped cream, Yay!  Serve on cakes, pies, or any of your favorite desserts!

Here’s a video for visual learners (like myself)


Leave a comment below and tell me how it went!!

Author: Hoffman's Little Acres (Anna)
No Sugar Whipped Cream

No Sugar Whipped Cream

Top your pies, berries, or milkshakes with this super easy (and healthy!) whipped cream


  • 1 Pint Hoffman’s Little Acres Raw Cream
  • 2-4 TBS Hoffman’s Little Acres Raw Honey (when in stock) or other local honey


  1. Freeze your bowl and beater(s)
  2. Pour COLD raw cream into frozen bowl
  3. Add Honey
  4. Beat on low-med speed to prevent splatters
  5. Increase speed as the cream gets thicker
  6. Whip until stiff peaks form

Our self-serve Farmstore hours (cash/check):
Mon 10-7
Tues-Fri 10-5
Sat 10-4
Sunday Closed
To pay with card please schedule an appointment by texting 309-530-4381

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