5 Health Benefits of Free-range or pastured Eggs


You're always looking for healthier ways to eat or foods that will benefit your family’s health.

But no one ever thinks much about eggs.  They're just always kind of "there"...

First off, "Free Range" in commercial egg production (store-bought eggs) means they don't have to sit in a cage.

The chickens are still cooped up in a building, or they have access to a fenced-in area.  But, that fenced area is not very big, therefore, they scratch and peck it down to dirt, so they are really not getting any pasture. 

But at least they get sunshine, right?


However, to us, Free-range SHOULD mean chickens get to roam anywhere.


That's how our egg layers are raised. No cages or fences. 

Well... there are fences, but they just go right under, over, or through our cows', goats', or pigs' fences. 

Our chickys can even go in the fields if they choose.  Or across the road... [insert lame chicken joke here].

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There are some major benefits your family will enjoy from choosing REAL free-range or pastured eggs.

1. Less Fat and Cholesterol

  • 10% less fat and 34% less cholesterol to be exact.

2. More Vitamin A/Beta Carotene

  • 40-60% more Vitamin A and 7 times the amount of Beta Carotene compared to conventional eggs!! That's where the dark-yellow/orange yolks come from. 
    *Now you don't have to eat so many carrots!*

3. More Vitamin B & E

  • A wide variety of Vitamin B’s including choline and niacin are primarily found in the egg white. Whereas, most of the other vitamins are all in the yolk.

  • Double the amount of Vitamin E can be found in these pastured nuggets of gold (or dark brown, or blue, or green depending on the chicken breed ;)

4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  • Because your body cannot produce Omega-3’s on its own you need to get them from the food you eat. Well, pastured eggs can have 4 times the amount compared to their caged sisters!

  • You always hear how you need to have more Omega-3 in your diet.  Here's an easy way to add it!

5. Happy Chickens

  • What makes better food? Animals that are raised the way God intended!
    They will be happier, healthier, and produce more. And in turn, give you the best of what they were put on this earth for, feeding us :)

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Our chickens' egg yolks are so dark I've had people ask what the "orange stuff" is in my potato salad, LOL!!

Where do your eggs come from? Your backyard?  Grocery store?  Or a local farmer?

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